"Community midwifery services in Kenya: Implementation guidelines" by Kenya Ministry of Health

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Community midwifery guidelines by the Kenya Minister for Health have been revised in order to standardize the implementation of community midwifery services as a strategy for improving skilled attendance in the provision of maternal and newborn health care at the community level. The revised guidelines address key policies that are outlined in the Kenya Health Policy regarding the provision of essential packages for health in line with the new constitution, Vision 2030, and the Community Health Strategy. The policy emphasizes a shift of focus to preventive and promotive health care; major strategies include improving access, realizing equity goals, and providing quality services as well as strengthening the institutional framework for effective delivery of health services. The revised guidelines highlight the role of the community midwife in the provision of continuum of care during normal pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum period, and in counseling for and providing family planning services as well as newborn care and referral. The community midwife’s role in linking with community health workers, community health extension workers, local committees, facility staff, and county teams is also highlighted.




