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To bridge the gap between the demand for innovation and access to novel contraceptive options for breastfeeding women, the Population Council and its partners conducted three distinct Willingness to Pay research initiatives to estimate the effect of price on demand for the Progesterone Vaginal Ring (PVR) in sub-Saharan Africa, where unmet need is outpacing the ability to provide timely, cost-effective access to new methods. Additionally, changes in the resource landscape have prompted governments to explore “Total Market” solutions. The Total Market Approach is defined as a coordinated approach that serves all clients in a country—from those requiring free or highly subsidized services to those who are willing and able to pay—to maximize access, equity, and sustainability and to direct scarce resources to sectors and users where need is not met. Using this as a guiding design principle, the research presented in this brief provides new insights on the amount consumers are willing to pay for the PVR from public, private nonprofit, and private commercial service sectors.
Recommended Citation
"Introducing the progesterone contraceptive vaginal ring in sub-Saharan Africa." New York: Population Council, 2016.
Delivering Contraceptive Vaginal Rings; The Progesterone Contraceptive Vaginal Ring: Expanding Contraceptive Options in Africa
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Demography, Population, and Ecology Commons, Family, Life Course, and Society Commons, International Public Health Commons, Maternal and Child Health Commons