"Obstetric fistula: Can community midwives make a difference? Findings " by Charlotte E. Warren and Annie Mwangi

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As part of the UNFPA Global Campaign to End Obstetric Fistula, the Population Council and UNFPA built on Kenya’s Community Midwifery Approach to develop a comprehensive community midwifery intervention strategy that aimed at increasing skilled attendants at birth and prevention of obstetric fistula. This report seeks to understand the experiences of women affected by fistula and whether community midwives can contribute to preventing obstetric fistula in rural settings in Kenya. The key recommendations emerging from this report are to: update health facility midwives in maternal and neonatal health (MNH) skills including prevention, treatment, and care of obstetric fistula; train more community midwives; increase community awareness; and listen to men and women and involve them in community health committees and district health plans for improving MNH, taking into account cultural sensitivities. Detailed activities regarding the recommendations are outlined at four different levels: the community, the linkages between community and health services, the health facility, and the policy level. The report recommends that these be reviewed and incorporated into annual operational plans.




