Document Type
Working Paper
Publication Date
Although postpartum hemorrhage is a leading cause of death in India, and despite the fact that active management of the third stage of labor (AMTSL) has been established as a best practice, efforts to promote it have been limited. This paper documents the experiences of a project that aimed to enable the translation of available evidence regarding AMTSL into practice through two strategies, at community and provider levels respectively. Community-level activities included efforts to build awareness regarding safe delivery practices, sensitize individuals regarding the rights perspective and their entitlement to safe services, and facilitate the translation of this awareness into a demand for AMTSL. Provider-level activities included working with both public and private sector providers to build their knowledge and skills about AMTSL and to translate this awareness and these skills into practice. The report presents several lessons that emerge from the experience of the project in translating evidence-based practices into reality at the ground level.
Recommended Citation
Subha Sri, B. 2009. "Translating medical evidence into practice: Working with communities and providers to promote active management of the third stage of labour," Health and Population Innovation Fellowship Programme Working Paper no. 11. New Delhi: Population Council.
Health and Population Innovation (HPI) Fellowship Program
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