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This report is a summary of presentations and discussions at a seminar entitled “Informed Consent: From Good Intentions to Sound Practices.” This two-day seminar brought together 65 individuals from nine countries in May 2001 to discuss challenges of informed consent in research. The goal of the meeting was to put informed consent into historical and contemporary perspective and to explore ways that the barriers to effective implementation can be overcome. The underlying premise of the seminar was that, as the issues around doing ethical research in health will only grow in scope and complexity, even when those who sponsor and conduct research start with good intentions, they may have difficulty translating them into practice. The report concludes with a number of suggestions that the community of people and institutions concerned about informed consent and charged with protecting the rights of research participants should consider in order to conduct ethical research.
Recommended Citation
Wood, Susan Y., Barbara Friedland, and C. Elizabeth McGrory. 2002. "Informed consent: From good intentions to sound practices—A report of a seminar," Robert H. Ebert Program on Critical Issues in Reproductive Health Publication Series. New York: Population Council.
Robert H. Ebert Program on Critical Issues in Reproductive Health