"Evaluation of the population-level impact of the maternal health vouch" by Reproductive Health Vouchers Evaluation Team

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This report is based on an evaluation of the population-level impact of the maternal health voucher program in Uganda focusing on targeting of beneficiaries, health service utilization (four or more antenatal care visits, facility delivery, and postnatal care), out-of-pocket expenses, and equity. It further reviews the findings from an independent verification of the program that was conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited in 2010. The impact of the program on the outcomes considered is determined through a simple comparison of changes in proportions between intervention and comparison groups before and after the program started as well as estimation of multilevel random-intercept logit models with interaction terms between the indicators of exposure to the program and period or poverty status. The report details the major findings, including: significantly higher proportion of women from the two poorest quintiles had used the vouchers compared to those from middle, richer, and richest quintiles; the program significantly contributed to increased deliveries in private facilities; and the introduction of the voucher program was associated with an accelerated shift from home to facility deliveries.






RH Vouchers: Evaluating Voucher-and-Accreditation Programs to Improve Maternal and Reproductive Health Service Delivery
