"Improving the reproductive health of adolescents in Senegal" by Nafissatou J. Diop, Heli Bathidja et al.

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In October 1999, the Frontiers in Reproductive Health (FRONTIERS) program began a three-year collaboration with the World Health Organization, the Senegal Ministries of Health, Education, and Youth, the Center for Research and Training in Health and Population, and the Population Training Group to test interventions to improve the reproductive health of youth aged 10–19. The community-based intervention included sensitization on adolescent reproductive health for community and religious leaders, reaching parents through women’s groups, and education sessions led by peer educators using a life-skills curriculum. As part of the clinic-based intervention, providers and peer educators were trained to offer youth-friendly services. The school-based intervention trained teachers and peer educators to provide reproductive health information through a reproductive health curriculum tailored to in-school youth. The report concludes that reaching adolescents with reproductive health information is feasible despite the sensitive nature of this issue in Senegal’s socio-cultural context. A multi-agency partnership between the health department, the communities, the schools, and the media proved that the multisectoral approach is feasible when organized through an operational technical committee.






Frontiers in Reproductive Health
