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This report presents a one-year assessment of quality-of-care improvements in Peru, following provider training on the job aids–assisted Balanced Counseling Strategy. Results showed significant enhancement of quality of care, an increase in session length, and improved client knowledge of the method chosen when this was an IUD or hormonal method. Correlational findings suggested that better impacts can be achieved in provincial primary health facilities than in larger settings like clinics or hospitals in capital cities. The results are important because: 1) other studies have failed to show significant impacts of controlled quality-of-care improvements on the use of contraception; and 2) the Balanced Counseling Strategy was not implemented to its full extent. Greater impacts can be expected when the Strategy’s potential is fully realized.
Recommended Citation
Leon, Federico R., Santiago Roca, Alex Rios, Adriana Zumaran, and Ana Rosa Feijoo. 2003. "One-year client impacts of quality of care improvements achieved in Peru," FRONTIERS Final Report. Washington, DC: Population Council.
Frontiers in Reproductive Health
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