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This project provides convincing empirical evidence on the impact of quality of care on contraceptive use and fertility behavior through analysis of a unique longitudinal data set from rural Bangladesh. The findings from this project add important new and methodologically rigorous evidence to the emerging literature on the implications of service quality on contraceptive behavior. The results reaffirm the importance of female fieldworker outreach—both in terms of quality and the number of visits—on contraceptive use dynamics in rural Bangladesh. In addition to these substantive findings, the study makes important methodological contributions in assessing the impact of programmatic variables—especially quality of care—on contraceptive use dynamics. This approach has wide future applications for further studies of the impact of program variables on contraceptive behaviors and for other reproductive health behaviors as well.
Recommended Citation
Koenig, Michael A. 2003. "The impact of quality of care on contraceptive use: Evidence from longitudinal data from rural Bangladesh," FRONTIERS Final Report. Washington, DC: Population Council.
Frontiers in Reproductive Health
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Demography, Population, and Ecology Commons, Health Services Research Commons, International Public Health Commons