"Health Education Materials for the Workplace: Tools" by Ulrich Madeja, David Wofford et al.

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Companies can derive many benefits from educating workers on health. Yet workplaces in many lower income countries have a need for easy-to-access, on-demand health education materials. The Evidence Project/Meridian in partnership with Bayer has developed a set of health education materials for these industrial and agricultural workplaces. The materials cover important health issues facing women and men workers:

- Family Planning
- Engaged Fathers and Health
- Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy
- Menstrual Hygiene
- Handwashing

These materials are designed to be printed at the workplace on desktop printers, making the materials easy to access and available on demand. They are available in English, Bengali (approved by the Ministry of Health), and Arabic. The materials, in color and black and white (to save on printing costs), come in three types:

- Mini-Posters (MP), to be posted in public areas
- Handouts (HO), for workers to take home and containing a bit more information
- Supplemental materials (QA) to reinforce learning.

Each workplace can determine how best to use these materials. The Implementation Guide gives workplace health staff and managers ideas for fitting the materials into their health promotion activities.

There is also a User’s Guide for Brands/Retailers, NGOs and other interested parties explaining how the materials can be used in their workplace programs in global supply chains.






The Evidence Project
