"Mapping the extent to which performance-based financing (PBF) programs" by Marie S. Cole, Victoria Boydell et al.

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Expanding access to and use of voluntary family planning (FP) services is a well-established global health goal- it is a specific target under the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of good health and well-being, an integral component of Every Woman Every Child (EWEC), and the overall objective of the Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) partnership, among other initiatives. | One promising approach for achieving global voluntary FP goals is performance-based financing (PBF), which deploys financial incentives to the health system to improve service availability, utilization, and quality as well as addressing some public financial management bottlenecks by directly targeting resources to facilities based on performance. | Setting global voluntary FP goals implies following a rights-based approach to family planning, which uses a set of standards and principles to guide program assessment, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation that enables individuals and couples to decide freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children, to have the information and services to do so, and to be treated equitably and free of discrimination. | While both PBF, which uses financial disbursements to incentivize health service delivery and quality, and rights-based programming have informed efforts to strengthen and scale FP services, there are gaps in understanding the linkages between PBF and a rights-based approach (RBA) to FP services. To address this gap, a review of performance-based financing (PBF) operations manuals was undertaken together with an analysis of PBF indicators relevant to FP services. This and another report (Mapping the extent to which performance-based financing (PBF) programs reflect quality, informed choice and voluntarism and implications for family planning services: A review of indicators) assess whether existing FP indicators are sensitive to the principles associated with an RBA.






The Evidence Project
