"Senegal: Involve community networks in adolescent reproductive health" by Frontiers in Reproductive Health

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Senegal is undergoing rapid urbanization, leading to changes in traditional social and family structure. With these changes there is a rise in early sexual activity among young adults, and increased exposure to unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In Senegal, where 28 percent of the population is 10–19 years of age, a renewed focus on reproductive health (RH) services appears timely. In 1999, FRONTIERS began testing the feasibility, effectiveness, and cost of several interventions to improve the RH of youth. The study took place in three urban communities in northern Senegal. Two served as intervention sites where community- and clinic-based interventions were offered (and in one a school-based intervention was included). One served as a control site. The community intervention included sensitization on adolescent RH for community and religious leaders, communication with parents, and education sessions. As part of the clinic-based intervention, providers and peer educators were trained to offer youth-friendly services. The school-based intervention trained teachers and peer educators to provide RH information to in-school and out-of-school youth. As noted in this brief, the intervention increased community awareness and improved young people’s knowledge.






Frontiers in Reproductive Health
