"Promoting young people's sexual and reproductive health: Stigma, discr" by Kate Wood and Peter Aggleton

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Sponsored jointly by the DFID-supported Safe Passages to Adulthood program, John Snow International, YouthNet/Family Health International, and the Population Council, the international knowledge synthesis meeting on Promoting Young People’s Sexual and Reproductive Health: Stigma, Discrimination and Human Rights took place in Brighton, England, June 5–7, 2003. Participants from a wide variety of countries were invited to describe their experiences of working to challenge stigma and discrimination and promote human rights as they relate to young people’s sexual and reproductive health. The meeting brought together program leaders from a variety of countries to discuss stigma, discrimination, and human rights in relation to young people’s sexual and reproductive health. The goal was to identify instances of innovative and effective practice with the intention of drawing out principles that might inform future work. This publication describes projects discussed at the meeting and presents case studies showing how stigma, discrimination, and the violation of human rights have been challenged in the course of project work. Several important lessons emerge from the projects and programs reviewed, and the final section summarizes some of these as a step toward identifying elements of best practice.


