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The Population Council embarked on a three-year project to explore the acceptability of the progesterone vaginal ring (PVR) among women in sub-Saharan Africa and its potential introduction. This technical report presents results from assessments undertaken to map the existing landscape of family planning programs and new contraceptive technologies in Senegal in an effort to identify national priorities and assess the level of interest in the PVR among stakeholders and to design appropriate preintroductory activities. This country mapping exercise confirms that Senegal is a promising context for the introduction of the PVR: the government is committed to repositioning family planning and has created an enabling environment and there are various encouraging sociocultural trends which suggest potential for acceptance of the PVR. Some key accompanying measures will need to be taken to ensure proper execution of the acceptability study and subsequent introductory efforts, including early involvement of the Ministry of Health, development and dissemination of literature in French on the PVR and the project, and establishment of an appropriate communication plan to name a few. Its innovative, long- and mid-acting, user-controlled design will introduce a unique dimension to the current method mix and is a promising prospect for provision at the community level in Senegal.






The Progesterone Contraceptive Vaginal Ring: Expanding Contraceptive Options in Africa
