"Sexually Transmitted and Other Reproductive Tract Infections: A Guide " by World Health Organization

Sexually Transmitted and Other Reproductive Tract Infections: A Guide to Essential Practice

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This practice guide is a collaborative effort of World Health Organization’s Department of Reproductive Health and Research, Family Health International (FHI) and The Population Council’s FRONTIERS in Reproductive Health Program. The guide is intended to be a reference manual and a resource to educate and remind health-care workers of the need to consider sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and reproductive tract infections (RTIs) in providing other sexual and reproductive health services. It recommends prevention and care practices for patients who have or may be at risk of acquiring an RTI. As such, it could be used for pre-service or in-service education and training, as a source of up-to-date, evidence-based recommendations, and as a self-education tool for health-care providers on the prevention, treatment, and diagnosis of RTIs. Programme managers can use it as a starting-point for improving policies, programmes and training on the prevention and management of STI/RTI, adapting the information and recommendations as needed to local conditions.


Also available in French, Spanish, and Russian.




Frontiers in Reproductive Health
