"Achieving synergies in prevention through linking sexual and reproduct" by Ian Askew

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Integration, linkages, and synergies are widely used terms among those interested in strengthening the relationship between sexual and reproductive health services and HIV prevention. These conference proceedings explore the terms conceptually and review the wide range of combinations of SRH and HIV prevention services that have been linked or integrated. Several different combinations have proven feasible and acceptable in pilot situations, but there remains a lack of evidence as to their effectiveness in changing behaviors, including preventing HIV transmission. There is also limited experience with scaling up successful models and a need to move beyond a focus on services to consider system-level changes that will enable successful configurations of linked services to be implemented effectively and sustained routinely. Whether linking or integrating services, the limitations of using clinic-based infrastructures to reach the most vulnerable, including bridging and core populations, need to be recognized at the pilot-testing stage. Asian countries can learn much from the work that has been undertaken in Africa over the past decade when prioritizing between models.


