"Assessing routine health information system in selected PAIMAN distric" by Pakistan Initiative for Mothers and Newborns (PAIMAN)

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The Pakistan Initiative for Mothers and Newborns (PAIMAN) is a five-year project funded by USAID. Its goal is to reduce maternal and newborn mortality in Pakistan through viable initiatives and capacity building of existing programs and structures within health systems and communities to ensure improvements and supportive linkages in the continuum of health care for women from the home to the hospital. PAIMAN is compiling data from three data sources and making efforts to improve the functioning of these Health Information Systems (HISs) for efficient management of health services at the district level through generation of quality data and their continuous use for evidence-based decisionmaking. Assessment of these HISs was carried out to understand the current quality of data and use of information generated so that weaknesses could be identified and appropriate technical assistance given to the districts to improve functioning. Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) was implemented in five districts for two assessment studies. This report depicts the HIS’s assessment applying the LQAS technique and using the PRISM approach, which measures the performance of the routine HIS and analyzes the technical, behavioral, and organizational determinants of that performance.






Pakistan Initiative for Mothers and Newborns (PAIMAN)
