"Practice-based learning: Observations on One-Stop Centers in refugee s" by Chi-Chi Undie, Josephine Ngebeh et al.

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One-Stop Centers’ (OSCs) have grown in popularity for responding to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the East, Horn, and Great Lakes regions of Africa. OSCs attempt to provide an integrated, multisectoral response to SGBV survivors’ needs in one location. In resource-constrained settings, the most common services offered at OSCs include health care, psycho-social support, police and judicial services, as well as social support. Studies demonstrate that health-facility-based OSCs that are owned and run by health-facility staff are more effective than NGO-run OSCs in achieving the broadest range of desired health and legal outcomes for SGBV survivors. In collaboration with the Population Council-led Africa Regional SGBV Network, the UNHCR East and Horn of Africa and Great Lakes (EHAGL) Africa Bureau has facilitated several new SGBV responses within its country operations. These interventions generate increased use of OSCs by SGBV survivors in refugee settings, necessitating an understanding of OSCs in these contexts. Sauti/VOICE Program Brief 5 documents observations regarding OSCs in refugee settings from project visits to various operations under the UNCHR EHAGL Africa Bureau’s mandate.






‘SAUTI’/VOICE: Violence Response and Prevention through Information, Communication, and Evidence
