"SAUTI/VOICE Project: First UNHCR-Population Council regional workshop" by Josephine Ngebeh, Chi-Chi Undie et al.

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In 2014, the UNHCR East and Horn of Africa and Great Lakes (EHAGL) Africa Bureau in Nairobi, and the Population Council/Nairobi established technical cooperation for Improving Evidence-based Programming for Sexual and Gender-based Violence (SGBV) in Refugee Operations in the East and Horn of Africa. The Africa Bureau works closely with the Council to initiate appropriate interventions for the prevention of, and response to, SGBV in refugee operations. The Council’s technical team is represented by the Council-led Africa Regional SGBV Network. Technical cooperation between the Africa Bureau and the Council has resulted in a new initiative: VOICE—Violence Prevention and Response Through Information, Communication, and Evidence, which involves an exclusive focus on refugee operations under the Africa Bureau from 2018–20. Selected SGBV response models developed and tested previously under the Africa Regional SGBV Network are being adapted for implementation in selected refugee settings in the EHAGL region in collaboration with the Africa Bureau, UNHCR country offices, and UNCHR implementing partners. This brief describes the project’s objectives, a regional workshop convened in 2019, and country operation needs.






‘SAUTI’/VOICE: Violence Response and Prevention through Information, Communication, and Evidence
