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When a migrant girl is successful, she creates a ripple effect through generations: families and future children will be better off because of her ability to finish school, get a job, and stay healthy. Despite the positive potential of migration for adolescent girls, migrant girls are largely ignored in policy and programs designed to reach migrants and adolescents. Because of their age and gender, migrant girls are especially vulnerable to risks such as exploitative employment. If these girls arrive at their destination and settle in safely, their diligence can enable them to capitalize on new opportunities and become productive, contributing members of their community. But more evidence is needed on how to maximize migration’s benefits and minimize its risks for adolescent girls. To respond to this need, the Population Council developed Girls on the Move: Adolescent Girls & Migration in the Developing World. The report examines the social and economic drivers of internal migration for adolescent girls in developing countries, and the links between migration, risk, and opportunity. This policy brief provides a summary of key findings and recommendations from the report.




