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As of December 2001, the number of people living with HIV/AIDS is estimated at 40 million, and most live in the developing world. Advances in the development and availability of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs have led to a paradigm shift in most of the industrialized world, where highly active ARV therapy has resulted in a significant reduction in the prevalence of AIDS-related morbidity and mortality. In most of the developing world, however, the focus of national programs and international support continues to be on prevention and care in the absence of ARV treatment. While the moral imperative to provide the best possible treatment for people with AIDS-related disease is widely recognized, national governments and donors have been reluctant to enter into this endeavor citing numerous concerns. Ministries of health and the international donor community need guidance on developing and implementing effective HIV/AIDS treatment programs. To explore and prioritize operations research questions about access to treatment for HIV/AIDS, the Horizons Program convened a two-day meeting of international researchers and program managers in Washington, DC, on June 12–13, 2001. This report presents the findings and recommendations discussed at the meeting.
Recommended Citation
van Dam, Johannes and Sherry Hutchinson. 2002. "Access to treatment for HIV/AIDS: Report of a meeting of international experts," Horizons Report. Washington, DC: Population Council.
Horizons Program