"Succession planning in Uganda: Early outreach for AIDS-affected childr" by Population Council

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Although Uganda has been widely recognized for lowering HIV incidence, the number of orphaned children is still rising. By the end of 2001, there were 880,000 children under age 15 living in Uganda who had lost one or both parents to HIV/AIDS and many more vulnerable children whose parents are alive but living with HIV infection. Few programs exist to help families before a parent’s death, and there is little research on the effectiveness of existing programs for AIDS-affected children. In 1999, Makerere University and Horizons initiated a study in two largely rural districts of Uganda with small urban and peri-urban populations to assess the outcomes of two programs being implemented by the Ugandan office of Plan: succession planning (SP) and orphan support (OS). SP reaches HIV-positive parents, their children, and standby guardians while the family is still in a position to plan for the children’s future. OS serves only orphaned children and their guardians. This brief describes the effects of the SP program on the actions taken by HIV-positive parents and standby guardians to plan and provide for the future of their children. A subsequent publication will examine the effects of the OS program.






Horizons Program
