"HIVCore operations research workshop summary report" by Nrupa Jani

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Over the past decade, unprecedented progress has been made in the scale-up of HIV treatment, care, and support, yet substantial coverage gaps remain. Targeted operations research and program evaluation can play a significant role in ensuring efficient and effective service delivery, scaling up to reach more clients and on a broader geographical scope, enhancing quality of care, and improving the health status and health systems in developing country settings. With funding from USAID, the Population Council and partners are responding to these critical service delivery issues through HIVCore. HIVCore improves the efficiency, effectiveness, scale, and quality of HIV and AIDS treatment, care, and support, and PMTCT programs by conducting OR and evaluations to expand the evidence base of effective service delivery approaches; by promoting utilization of research and program evaluation results and other strategic information to enhance decision-making; and by building local capacity to identify research questions, conduct OR and focused evaluations, and use research findings. HIVCore convened an OR workshop for national-level HIV program managers and researchers attending the International AIDS Society conference in July 2012 in Washington, DC. This document is a summary report of that workshop.






HIVCore: Strengthening HIV and AIDS Treatment, Care, and Support and PMTCT Service Delivery Programs
