"Burundi program implementation workshop, 3–5 June 2014: Link Up meetin" by Population Council and Alliance Burundaise contre le Sida

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Link Up is a global consortium of international and local nongovernmental organizations led by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance. Link Up aimed to improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people in Bangladesh, Burundi, Ethiopia, Myanmar, and Uganda who are living with HIV or are affected by the HIV pandemic. At a workshop held in Burundi, 3–5 June 2014, the Population Council, Alliance Burundaise contre le SIDA, and local partners in Burundi identified successful activities, highlighted important challenges and best practices, and found innovative ways to improve Link Up programming. This document contains a selection of the most salient information generated during the workshop, and is organized in two sections. The first section describes the overarching sexual and reproductive health needs of Burundi’s young people and key populations, summarizes ongoing Link Up activities in Burundi, and provides general recommendations to improve programming. Section 2 examines the specific needs of each of the three key populations in greater detail. An annex provides topical recommendations for future research in Burundi.






Link Up
