"Using peers to improve sexual and reproductive health and rights of yo" by Population Council

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Link Up, a global consortium led by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, sought to meet the immediate HIV care needs and also the broader sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for Ugandan young people living with HIV (YPLHIV), by creating linkages between comprehensive community- and facility-based HIV and SRHR services. In addition, Link Up delivered health education, counseling, and peer support tailored to the needs of YPLHIV in order to educate and empower them to recognize their rights, and feel confident in seeking health services. This brief presents findings from the Population Council’s evaluation of Link Up activities among YPLHIV in Uganda. The intervention model described here appears to have been effective in improving knowledge and self-efficacy for healthy living, increasing condom use, and increasing the utilization of SRHR and HIV services. Peer support groups were central to the Link Up intervention, and these support groups were described as safe and supportive environments. The brief recommends that training be provided to healthcare workers serving YPLHIV to enable them to deliver comprehensive SRHR and HIV services in a sensitive and respectful manner.






Link Up
