Most Recent Additions


Contraceptive change and fertility transition
Vladimira Kantorova and John Bongaarts


The globalization of international migration? A conceptual and data-driven synthesis
Jasmine Trang Ha, Jack DeWaard, Guy Abel, Kazumi Tsuchiya, Jessie Pinchoff, Christopher Levesque, and Kobie Price


Building locally anchored implementation science capacity: The case of the adolescent HIV implementation science alliance-supported local iS alliances
Susan Vorkoper, Kawango Agot, Dorothy E. Dow, Michael Mbizvo, Cyrus Mugo, Nadia A. Sam-Agudu, Fred Semitala, Brian C. Zanoni, and Rachel Sturke


Revisiting women's empowerment and contraception
Shireen J. Jejeebhoy and Zeba Sathar


Webinar—Missing voices: Girls in the care economy
Annabel Erulkar, Maimouna Bah, Edith Murogo, Winnie Nelima, Amar Nijhawan, and Chiku Semfuko


Webinar—Voix oubliées: Les adolescentes dans l'économie du care
Annabel Erulkar, Maimouna Bah, Edith Murogo, Winnie Nelima, Amar Nijhawan, and Chiku Semfuko


Webinar—Voces perdidas: Niñas en la economía del cuidado
Annabel Erulkar, Maimouna Bah, Edith Murogo, Winnie Nelima, Amar Nijhawan, and Chiku Semfuko


Missing voices: Girls in the care economy—Slide deck
Annabel Erulkar, Maimouna Bah, Edith Murogo, Winnie Nelima, Amar Nijhawan, and Chiku Semfuko


PrEP Ring videos
Population Council

*Updated as of 11/20/24.