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The Honduran Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Population Council’s INOPAL III Project tested the acceptability of postpartum/postabortion contraception at the Escuela Hospital, the largest in the country. The project showed that more than 30 percent of the women seen for a delivery or a complication due to abortion, were interested in adopting a contraceptive method prior to discharge from the hospital. Given the success of the project, the MOH asked the Population Council’s FRONTIERS program for technical and financial support to extend those services to five additional hospitals in the country. Important improvements were found for the four indicators used to evaluate the project: 1) the proportion of women who received information about contraceptive methods; 2) the proportion of women who were offered a contraceptive method; 3) the proportion of women who received a contraceptive method during their stay; and finally, 4) the proportion of women who had delivered and wanted a method before leaving the hospital but did not receive it. This success is mainly attributed to the involvement of MOH managers in planning the activities and to the quarterly discussions of the monitoring surveys, which helped the providers focus their attention on the introduction and strengthening of services during an entire year.






Frontiers in Reproductive Health
